StarBullet  From the moment Donald Trump announced his candidacy for the Office of President of the United States, the radical left has sought to destroy him personally and professionally.

This effort has been most noticeable from the efforts of the Democrat Party both nationally and locally in places such as New York and Georgia.

StarBullet  The Democrat controlled Congress of the United States twice impeached President Trump for fabricated and grossly exaggerated offences that amounted to an attempted political assassination in order to prevent him from resuming public office and posing a threat to their radically un-American agenda.

StarBullet  These and many other actions taken by radical Democrats and deep state functionaries are clear examples of our political and legal systems being coopted, perverted, and turned against the 45th President of the United States in order to secure and further their own political agendas of power, privilege, and control of American governance.

StarBullet  Our legal system being used to persecute President Donald Trump as well as many other American citizens whose offenses amount to nothing more than resistance to a tyrannical Democrat Party is both alarming and repulsive and places all Americans in peril from a rogue and despotic government.

StarBullet  Every American must strongly repudiate and denounce the indictment of President Donald Trump, the abuse of prosecutorial power by the Manhattan District Attorney, and the abuse of investigatory and prosecutorial powers by the US Department of Justice to persecute the 45th President of the United States for political efficacy.

StarBullet  The clear objectives of these actions is to cause fear and intimidate any American who would support Donald Trump and resist the tyranny of the Democrat Party and their adherents.

In Liberty, Todd M. Watkins -El Paso County, Colorado